2007年3月18日 星期日

My favorite song

I like a lot of songs. Most of these songs are Japanese and Korean. The song that I like best is タイヨウのうた, translated in English is " the song of sun" . This is from Japanese drama. The drama's name is the same of the song. And the important point is that the singer is the actress of the drama-沢尻エリカ ,Sawajiri Erika. She is the famous actress of Japan in the recently years. I like her singing very much. Her singing sounds a little soft and very natural. The other reason that I like her song very much is her acting is so great. Both her singing and acting are so excellent that I really love very much.

The song describes a girl that have a cladistic condition and can't expose to the sun. Her whole life will be black forever. She only can go out at night. The moment a boy appeared, he helped she faced her life again, gave her the most happy days in her short life. Finally, the girl dead in the boy's warm embrace. She had no regret with her whole life. It's the same of the song. The song describes the conditioned girl have full thankfulness to the boy. Thanks to the chance that can meet him in her life. Thanks to his warm embrace. Because of him, her life becomes more colorful than before.

The song sounds dynamic. Because of that, I really really love the song very much. Even my cell phone's bell is the song, too. It can represent how I love the song!
