2007年4月1日 星期日

summary of " None of her business"

The story described an enthusiastic girl named Pat helped a blind woman away from hurt. It was the day on Pat’s way to home. She got off the bus after sitting for four hours with her legs cramped under a seat. She still had to wait one more transfer. At the time, she saw a woman bending over a suit case. The woman seemed like finding her suit case. She found her suit case by feeling it. Pat just knew the woman was blind at the time. The woman was sitting and waited her bus, too. She had to transfer for another bus in half an hour. Pat sat and spotted the blind woman. She closed her eyes to feel what blind was like but couldn't help imagining how everything looked. After fifteen minutes they had been waited, a man walked to her bended over the woman and talked to her. Then the woman nodded and stood up. She took the man's arm, and they started to walk away. But Pat saw that they were headed out toward the street. They were not going to the place where the buses left. That was strange. The man seemed to hurt the woman. Pat soon wanted to find someone for help, but there were no polices and no one would help. Even the little hot-dog stand. Pat was becoming frantic and mended the man’s conspiracy theory of taking the woman to the terminal. Finally the man dropped the woman's arm and dashed off down the street. Pat saved the blind woman from being hurt.

After read the story, let me think of the society worm. Pat is the enthusiastic one of them who helps the defective in the society. But there were still a lot of people lack for love like the little hot-dog stand in the story. We should be more enthusiastic to help the people who need. There are many hard-life people need our help in the whole world. Even you see someone in trouble on the road, you can assist he (or she) only of your care. If everyone do it, I think the world will more beautiful and more worm.

2 則留言:

rozon 提到...

Hello, Yamimuki:
I am Peggy. I already read your article. It was a special story you had read. The character of the story was a really justice girl. It could teach us to help the people who need.

But I still found some little mistakes in your article. For instances, in the eighth sentence of the first paragraph “The woman was sitting and waited her bus, too.” should be corrected to “The woman was sitting and waiting for her bus, too.” And in the eleventh sentence “but couldn't help imagining how everything looked” should be corrected to “but it couldn't help imagining how everything looked.” In the last sentence of the second paragraph “I think the world will more beautiful and more worm” should be corrected to “I think the world will be more beautiful and warmer”

Even though you had some little problems, you still wrote a wonderful article. I like your opinion of we should help the people who need.
By Peggy

Alya Iffat 提到...

hi yamimuki! you can call me asami and your article is amazing! i like it! >___< hope we can be friends
thanks! asami.