2007年4月19日 星期四

Reflection of the story "Two of everything"

There are a lot of families like the family in the story. Parents are always arguing with each other. Even parents always will fight with each other. At the time, most of the children are harm by their parents behave. Sometimes they will become sad and worried because of their parents not prefect model for their kids. Finally, they will influence their kids; the kids will imitate their example. Some children become badly in the society now are more and more. The main reason is their family’s problems.

Sometimes, when the parents fight, they should calm down and think “who’s wrong?”
After thinking this question, two of them maybe stop the insignificant fight. The rule not only suit for the fighting parents but for everyone in fight. Sometimes it may be the fight between brothers or sisters, even between friends. If we meet the problems, we should stop to think “why we are arguing?” Then we will be calmer down and find that it’s insignificant. We should always think and then yield. And always have tolerated heart to everyone. After that, I think the world will be more peace .

Summary of the story “Two of everything”

Situation: Demetrius and Paula have two problem parents whose opinions were never the same about anything. Because they dislike each other, they couldn’t lived together in the same house anymore.

Conflict: Because they had different thought about each other, they began to play tricks on each other.

Suffer: Demetrius and Paula were so worried that they decided to see if anyone else at school had the same problems. Finally, they decided to discuss with Vicar and thought a cracking idea that their parents will ever agree. It was that “un-marry” their parents.

Outcome: Their parents really agree with their idea. They built two separate houses for suiting each other and ordered two of everything they wanted. They finally lived happier ever after-apart than lived together.

2007年4月4日 星期三

After reading the book" The Missing Piece Meets the Big O"

The book” The Missing Piece Meets the Big O” is written by Shel Silverstein. The story described the missing piece was waiting for someone that it can fit in. But some had too many pieces and some had too many pieces missing. It tried to make itself more attractive, but it didn’t help. On the opposite, everyone were frightened away when saw it. One day, it met a roll that it can fit in. But it just grows and grows that the roll couldn’t fit it anymore someday. At the time, it met the Big O. Although the Big O had nowhere to fit in, the Big O told it to roll by itself. The missing piece lifted itself up and its shape began to wear off, finally it became a roll. It was rolling by itself.

Everyone would have something difficult to do in the life, but we should face them as challenges that test us. We can’t be loosed by these difficulties. Trust ourselves, and then we will have more confidence to face them. After we have much confidence to face them, we just can do all the things well. Because all of the people in the world are special, no one can be in place of others. Everyone has his (or her) merit and talent, it can’t be submerged. Everyone born in the wonderful world is given the position to survive. No one is no used. Just like the story told us, the missing piece found its own way to roll. It is special in the world, too.

2007年4月1日 星期日

summary of " None of her business"

The story described an enthusiastic girl named Pat helped a blind woman away from hurt. It was the day on Pat’s way to home. She got off the bus after sitting for four hours with her legs cramped under a seat. She still had to wait one more transfer. At the time, she saw a woman bending over a suit case. The woman seemed like finding her suit case. She found her suit case by feeling it. Pat just knew the woman was blind at the time. The woman was sitting and waited her bus, too. She had to transfer for another bus in half an hour. Pat sat and spotted the blind woman. She closed her eyes to feel what blind was like but couldn't help imagining how everything looked. After fifteen minutes they had been waited, a man walked to her bended over the woman and talked to her. Then the woman nodded and stood up. She took the man's arm, and they started to walk away. But Pat saw that they were headed out toward the street. They were not going to the place where the buses left. That was strange. The man seemed to hurt the woman. Pat soon wanted to find someone for help, but there were no polices and no one would help. Even the little hot-dog stand. Pat was becoming frantic and mended the man’s conspiracy theory of taking the woman to the terminal. Finally the man dropped the woman's arm and dashed off down the street. Pat saved the blind woman from being hurt.

After read the story, let me think of the society worm. Pat is the enthusiastic one of them who helps the defective in the society. But there were still a lot of people lack for love like the little hot-dog stand in the story. We should be more enthusiastic to help the people who need. There are many hard-life people need our help in the whole world. Even you see someone in trouble on the road, you can assist he (or she) only of your care. If everyone do it, I think the world will more beautiful and more worm.

2007年3月25日 星期日

summary of " Changing Roles: Stay-at-home Dads"

The story is about a Father, Neil Walkingshaw who is lives in England. He was a British mechanic. He had a big problem that no one can takes care of his newborn child. Finally he reluctantly asked his boss if he could switch to pat-time hours in order to take care his child by himself. But unfortunately his boss refused. He sued on the rule and awarded 3600. It demonstrated that the view o parental roles is different from the conventional wisdom in about 30years ago. Now the male partner takes more responsibility than before. Some studies have found that fathers play an important role in child development. The presences of fathers lower the rate of juvenile and teenage pregnancy. Although the society will value the role of father more, both mother and father are important roles to their children.

2007年3月22日 星期四

summary of " The piggy book"

The story describes a family that have Father, Mother and two children live in a big and beautiful house. All the housework was all did by mother, the others didn’t do anything but to commend mother to do this or to do that. Including prepared their breakfast, made all the beds, and vacuumed all the carpets and finally she could go to work. One day, when they all went back home, they found their mother missed. During the days they put all housework aside, the house became more and more dirty than before. Finally, they all couldn’t bear and ask mother to come back. After the big affair, they all realized it’s important to give help to mother and the house. Now mother is more relax than before.

2007年3月18日 星期日

My favorite song

I like a lot of songs. Most of these songs are Japanese and Korean. The song that I like best is タイヨウのうた, translated in English is " the song of sun" . This is from Japanese drama. The drama's name is the same of the song. And the important point is that the singer is the actress of the drama-沢尻エリカ ,Sawajiri Erika. She is the famous actress of Japan in the recently years. I like her singing very much. Her singing sounds a little soft and very natural. The other reason that I like her song very much is her acting is so great. Both her singing and acting are so excellent that I really love very much.

The song describes a girl that have a cladistic condition and can't expose to the sun. Her whole life will be black forever. She only can go out at night. The moment a boy appeared, he helped she faced her life again, gave her the most happy days in her short life. Finally, the girl dead in the boy's warm embrace. She had no regret with her whole life. It's the same of the song. The song describes the conditioned girl have full thankfulness to the boy. Thanks to the chance that can meet him in her life. Thanks to his warm embrace. Because of him, her life becomes more colorful than before.

The song sounds dynamic. Because of that, I really really love the song very much. Even my cell phone's bell is the song, too. It can represent how I love the song!